NEW Groups

Standing in the Gap
Saturdays at 5 PM
Leader(s): Bill/Jeneth Davis 
Contact: 720-641-5796

Parenting Adult Children
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Leader(s): Jeff/Rachel Noble
Contact: 303-919-9130


Healthcare Workers
Time: TBD; Monthly

Leader(s): Michelle Granado           
Contact: 720-400-5662

Men’s Purity Group
Time: TBD
Leader(s): Dave Swain
Contact: 503-961-2687

All Nations Cooking  
Leader(s): Michelle Granado           
Contact: 720-400-5662

Current Groups

We strongly believe that God has created each one of us to be in community with others in order for Him to mold and shape us into all that He intends for us to become.  If we choose not to be in community with others, we short-circuit the process of spiritual growth and ministry that God has designed for us. In  community, we learn what it means to confess our weakness and to forgive each other.

In community, we discover what it means to let go of our self-will and to  really live for others. In community we learn true humility. Without community, we become individualistic and, at times—egocentric. Without community, true communion with God is impossible.

If you would like more information about a group or some help in selecting a group, please fill out the form below or contact Pastor Jeff at 303-368-7567 ext. 105

Life Group Interest Form

Life Group FAQs

  • A Life Group is a fellowship group consisting of 5-15 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly to share, study, support one

    another and grow in the Lord. An average meeting lasts for an hour and a half and usually includes light refreshments.

  • Life Groups are the hub of our ministry to adults and the primary place where friendships are made at New Life. They

    are where life-on-life ministry at New Life takes place as we study God’s Word, pray and share our lives with one

    another. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is time well spent. Our goal is to have 100% of our adults

    involved in a life group on a weekly or bi-weekly basis!

  • Life Groups meet on various days/times during the week in homes throughout the east metro area. Some of our groups

    meet at the church as well. The Fall Semester runs from September to December and the Winter/Spring semester runs

    from January to May. Many of the groups take a break over the summer.

  • Life groups study a wide variety of topics. They typically are Bible book-based, topic-based or special interest-based

    studies and are chosen by the group based upon their desires, needs, or concerns of the members. We also periodically

    have seasons when multiple groups are going through the same study at the same time as a church emphasis. We also

    have an extensive library of excellent DVD-based curriculums and provide free access to Right Now Media, which has

    thousands of solid, Biblical studies on a wide variety of topics.

  • Few things in life are free and Life Groups are no exception! The “cost” of Life Groups is the cost of commitment. Part of

    the commitment is the promise to attend each week and begin to share your life with others. When you join a Life

    Group, you’re promising to attend and be prepared each week. It’s this commitment that makes Life Groups work. At

    the end of each semester you have the choice of recommitting for another semester, trying a new group, or taking a

    break from a group for awhile. Occasionally, group members may need to purchase resource materials for a study.

  • Life Groups are for adults only. While some exceptions can be made for newborns up to six months, we leave it up to

    each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families within a group to share a sitter, have

    childcare in the basement of the host family or swap childcare with another family whose Life Group meets on a

    different evening. Check with your leader for specific information and availability.

  • When selecting a group, many people have found it helpful to choose a Life Group based upon their life situation. For

    this reason, we offer Lifecycle-based groups for College-Aged, Young Adults, Parents of Elementary/Teens and Empty

    Nesters. We also have General groups that target people of all ages. We also offer groups focused upon Women, Men,

    Prayer, Discipleship and Affinity-Based Fellowship Groups. If you have any questions – or especially if you are new to

    New Life -- don’t hesitate to call Pastor Jeff (303-368-7567 – ext. 105) and he will gladly assist you. Keep in mind that it

    might take two or three groups before you find the right fit, but don’t worry — you’ll find it!

  • Once you have carefully reviewed the groups on the other side and decided what group you’re interested in, the first

    option is to complete a Life Group Interest Card available at the Info Desk in the church foyer. You can either turn it in at

    the Church office or at one of the special Connection Sundays that come each quarter. A second option is to click on the

    Life Groups tab on the home page and we’ll get into contact with you. We will be glad to help answer any questions you

    might have and assist you in finding the right group for you. A third option is to simply call one of the leaders listed on

    the opposite page and they can give you information about their group and how to get connected.